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Join 7,000+ Businesses Using Betterteam:
Parkside Endodontics / Oral Surgery Offices
DeAnn Young, CEO
“We tried every job board out there for months, but couldn’t find qualified candidates.
Hiring a recruiter wasn’t an option, as it costs tens of thousands of dollars.
But within 3 weeks of using Betterteam, we hired a great dental specialist. Thank you!”
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Join 7,000+ Businesses Using Betterteam:
Parkside Endodontics / Oral Surgery Offices
DeAnn Young, CEO
“We tried every job board out there for months, but couldn’t find qualified candidates.
Hiring a recruiter wasn’t an option, as it costs tens of thousands of dollars.
But within 3 weeks of using Betterteam, we hired a great dental specialist. Thank you!”